14 East 60th Street, Suite 700,New York,NY10022United States
Telephone:212-935-5333 (212-WELLFED)

Doctor Howard Shapiro

It has always been our contention that the secret to many problems which cause overweight and the regaining of lost pounds, is psychologically based. For this reason, we started our practice with a fully staffed psychology department to address patients’ needs. Consequently, we have experience unequaled in other facilities. We offer individual, family and counseling for couples.

Equipped with techniques that are on the cutting edge of today’s knowledge and with supportive testing and technology, our therapist is dedicated to helping patients find answers and supporting their weight goals.

Eating disorders are treated focusing on the psychological components of the problem. Dysfunctional family relationships and diet hysteria (being obsessed with the way one eats) contribute to the problem. We know this disorder must NOT be treated by diet alone, but focus on the psychological concerns which trigger the behavior. We also have therapy specifically addressed to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Anxiety and Phobia problems.

Self-Esteem Issues

In over thirty years of experience with patients who are overweight, we find many frequently suffer consequences of a pattern of dieting known as a Yo-Yo Syndrome. We have discovered that patients often suffer from a lack of self -esteem and assertiveness. Often, they have lost weight much too rapidly. But they are generally victimized by their own sense of failure to maintain their goals and by society’s prejudice. We have come to believe that patients can be given both support and education to change the way they think about themselves.